Creature Feature: Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) Facts

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Polar bears are straight savages. They are the most carnivorous of all the bear species. They can swim for days, literally. Male polar bears can weigh close to 1500 lbs and reach lengths up to 10 ft long. While their primary prey are seals, some polar bears have been reported to kill small whales and dolphins popping up in the wrong ice hole. Knowing all this, it’s hard to suspend reality whenever I see an endearing wintertime Coke commercial. Let’s get to know this awesome beast. Enjoy the forthcoming knowledge!

They’re Actually Marine Mammals

Due to their dependence on sea ice and long distance seagoing capabilities, polar bears are classified as marine mammals. Polar bears are a protected species under the Marine Mammal Protection Act signed in 1972. They are well adapted for polar waters possessing up to a 4 inch thick layer of fat under their skin to keep them warm. In fact, up to 50% of a polar bear’s body weight is fat! This fat jacket predisposes polar bears to overheating and also forces them to be pretty lazy hunters. Polar bears’ preferred approach is called “still hunting”. Basically the polar bear sits and waits at an ice hole that they’ve smelled some seal activity at. Then when the poor seal pops up, good night seal.

Males Are MUCH Bigger Than Females

Polar bears are one of the most sexually dimorphic mammals known. Meaning there’s a distinct difference in size between the sexes. In the case of polar bears, there’s a big difference. Males are often double the size of the female!

Polars Bears Are Super Into Keto

Seals are the perfect keto food. They’re the polar bear equivalent of bacon-wrapped avocado drenched in coconut oil. Polar bears are classified as “hypercarnivores” which means their natural diet consists mostly of other animals. Their body is specially adapted to handle all that extra fat and protein. Studies on polar bears have shown they live with unusually high levels of LDL cholesterol (“bad cholesterol”). Genetic studies have shown that polar bears have mutations in the gene that is involved with tolerating this type of cholesterol. Scientists are looking into how these mutations might help people suffering from high cholesterol.

Their Fur Is Not Actually White

Polar bears actually have translucent fur. Imagine the inside strands of a fiber optic cable. They appear white because of the way light reflects when it hits their fur. With age, their coats may yellow. In captivity, warmer more humid conditions may allow algae to grow on their fur turning them green! Also just to further blow your mind, polar bear skin is jet black!

They Range All Over The Top Of The World

For some reason I thought all polar bears were Alaskan or Canadian. I blame Coca Cola. In fact, polar bear territories include Russian, Danish and Norwegian areas in the Arctic. Unfortunately, due to climate change, sea ice in all of these territories has significantly decreased. Polar bears depend on sea ice as their primary hunting grounds and we’re seeing populations fall as the sea ice decreases. So if Al Gore can’t compel you to reduce your carbon footprint, maybe the image of a starving polar bear will!

Polar Bears Are Toxic

It is well known amongst Eskimo, Inuit and other native Arctic peoples that polar bear liver is to be avoided. Polar bear liver is very high in vitamin A. Polar bears ingest high levels of vitamin A in their diet from marine mammals like their favorite prey, bearded seals. This particular vitamin only dissolves in fat meaning organs that contain a lot of fats (especially cholesterol), like the liver, concentrate vitamin A.  Consumption of large quantities of vitamin A can cause toxicity in people and sometimes even death.

So that’s it for my first creature feature! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it. There will be plenty more to come! Make sure to follow on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for more animal goodness!